Mailing Address
M.T.C.C. 1113126 Grandview Way
North York, ON
Canada M2N 6V2
416-224-2373Regular property management activities (e.g. cleaning, security, maintenance)
If you have questions or comments about your property or common elements contact the management office. You can drop by the Property Management Office or telephone them at 416-224-2373. Visit our Management Office Contacts page for more information about the location and hours of operation.
Website content and functionality
If you have questions and feedback about the website, write a note to our webmaster and give it to the Property Management Office. They will ensure it is delivered. Visit our Management Office Contacts page for more information about the Management Office location and hours of operation.
Private note to the Board of Directors
If you would like to send a private note to the Board of Directors, provide your note in a sealed envelope clearly labelled "Townhouse Board of Directors" and deliver it to the Gatehouse Security. Visit our Gatehouse Security Contacts page for more information about their responsibilities and hours of operation.